Thursday, April 19, 2018

MUET Speaking Tip(s)

Text: Teacher Rozanne
Photo: Teacher Rozanne

How to score in your MUET Speaking Test?

1) Have vast general knowlegde especially on the current issues? Read newspapers for that. Be it online or get a copy from the bookstand.

2) Explain. Explain. Explain. Do not stop with a mere mention of points. State relevant examples as well.

3) Communicate. This is the key. Do not ‘read’ your notes, ‘refer’ to them, then look at the examiners and other candidates.

4) Show enthusiasm. Show your confidence (of course this will not be natural if you come to the test without ‘sufficient’ knowledge) and get your correct posture.

5) Speak. Speak. Speak. Try ypur best to ‘speak’! Yes, you read this correctly! I mean you have to ‘speak’! Coz some candidates would jot down a lot, yet ‘refuse’ to speak up. 🤦‍♀️

6) All the best in your MUET Speaking test! 😉

Teacher Rozanne

Friday, April 13, 2018

MUET life begins

Text: Rozanah Zakaria
Photo: Rozanah Zakaria

How’s MUET’s life? So asked a friend of mine. I shrugged and sighed. Looking at her as if it’s a trouble I couldn’t even spell, what more to construct sentences to describe it. Nope! Don’t get me wrong, that was the start of it. I guess it was the transition period to my ‘new life’. It seemed like the doors are all closed in front of me, for all its components, not even a strike of light, I could think of, at least for that moment.

Right, enough babbling, let’s talk of NOW. I am happy with this new venture in life, thinking of that my attitude which is always open to welcome new experiences; I am grateful for the decision made. Yep, truly grateful!

I love teaching MUET! That’s the only exact phrase to it. I find it enlightening and enriching, leading me to ‘new’ discovery in my quest for knowledge in life.

To put it briefly, saying YES to uncertain opportunities does present you with more, usually with ones you never expected to cross your path. Though it comes with a condition: always willing to learn, from anyone at all.

That’s all, till next thing on MUET.


Teacher Rozanne