Thursday, June 25, 2015

Novel Catch Us If You Can: Beyond the Text/Worsheet 14 (Val Jessup)

Teks: Rozanah Zakaria
Sumber: Form 5 Literature (BPK KPM)

Salam Ramadhan.

Questions to ask Val Jessup
Soalan-soalan untuk Val Jessup

1. What was your reaction when Dr Nicol first called you?
Apakah reaksi anda apabila Dr Nicol menghubungi anda?

2. What was your reaction when you were told that Granda had set fire to the flat?
Apakah reaksi anda apabila anda diberitahu bahawa Granda telah menyebabkan flat mereka terbakar?

3. Why do you think Rory hates Castle Street so much?
Mengapakah anda fikir Rory sangat bencikan Castle Street?

4. Do you think he should stay there?
Adakah anda fikir Rory patut tinggal/menetap di sana?

5. Can you think of a better solution to his problems?
Bolehkah anda fikir cara lain yang lebih baik untuk menyelesaikan masalah-masalah Rory?

6. Do you think you should have tried to get Granda a home help sooner?
Adakah anda fikir, anda sepatutnya cuba  mendapatkan pembantu rumah untk Granda secepat mungkin?

7. Do you think Granda should stay in Rachnadar?
Adakah anda fikir Granda patut tinggal/menetap di Rachnadar?

8. Do you think Rory and Granda should be able to live together?
Adakah anda fikir Rory dan Granda sepatutnya boleh tinggal bersama?

Selamat menjawab. Sebarang persoalan boleh dikemukan melalui:

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Selamat maju jaya.

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