Thursday, June 20, 2024


 Text: Teacher Rozanne

MUET Speaking paper consists of 2 parts, Task 1 and Task 1.

Task 1 is a bit 'easy' I would say compared to Task 2 as there are notes and points provided to guide students in answering their task.

Here are some elements in Task 1 Writing Question:

1. Notes: there are 4 main notes provided as a guide to students in answering their task. These notes are placed on the right side of the paper, indicated by 4 separate arrows.

2. Sender & receiver: 

a) the sender's info is usually put in a box generally containing name, email address, and subject & also at sign off

b) the receiver's info is usually just a name mentioned at Salutation 

That's about the elements that you'll find in MUET Writing Paper 800/4

Good luck!

Sunday, June 16, 2024

MUET Speaking Tips

 Text: Teacher Rozanne

What's with the Speaking Test?

Honestly, it is actually more challenging. Yep! That's the truth.

Yet, remember that nothing is impossible should you strive for the best.

So, here are some tips that might help you overcome your nervousness about sitting for this paper:

1. Revise and practice on as many past sessions' speaking questions as possible.

2. Practice individually by recording your voice presenting for Part 1 for 2 minutes and ask your teacher to help check that (maybe you can send the recording through applications like WhatsApp or Telegram?)

3. Practice in your groups too (either groups of 3 or 4) and 'plan' strategies so that all of you can 'help' each other during group discussion in Part 2

4. Finally, remember that KNOWLEDGE is the key! So, keep yourself updated with the current issues across fields like Culture, Education, Money, Time management, Economics, and many more! The key is to keep tabs with current issues.

Good luck with your Speaking Test!

Saturday, August 21, 2021

 Text: Teacher Rozanne

Learning shouldn't be a daunting task. Instead, it should be fun! So teachers, especially language educators, by all means, make your lessons as ones that students always looking forward to joining them!

For instance, for Reading and Speaking, both skills can be paired so as to engage students' participation though they are far away from you - well, I am talking about online learning for now - and to ensure they 'are glued to the screens' through your entire lesson! ;)

A sample of such activity is to use Pecha Kucha technique. I used a modified version of 3:30 for my smaller class and 5:50 for my larger one. I found this technique from Etacude Youtube Channel, you check the channel on how it is carried out, then make sure that you modify it accordingly, based on your students' level of proficiency and other considerable factors.

Happy teaching! 

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Kitchen Makeover - stove

Teks: : Rozanah Zakaria

Kita guna stove hampir setiap hari. Namun, musim PKP ni saya rasa ramai yang gunakannya setiap hari, bukan? Mustahil tak jika kita gunakan stove (dapur) setiap hari tapi masihh dapt kekalkannya supaya berkilat? Dulu saya pernah fikir ianya mustahil, namun PKP menubah kepercayaan saya itu.

Berikut adalah langkah mudah yang saya lakukan setiap hari supaya proses pencucian stove mingguan kita, tidak memenatkan.

1. Lap permukaan stove setiap kali selepas masak. Jika ianya diperbuat daripada kaca, boleh gunakan krim Cif dan span hijau untuk kesan kilat. Jika ianya permukaan logam, memadai gunakan cecair pencuci pinggan, kemudian lap bersih.
2. Cuci tungku seminggu sekali dengan berus dawai dan sabun Cap Kapak (warna hijau tau kuning).
3. Cuci bahagian dalam tungku (tempat keluar api). yang ini juga gunakan dawai besi (penggosok periuk dan krim Cif) untuk menghilangkan kesan hitam.
4. Lap tombol pemetik dapur dengan cecair campuran L.O.C dan Pursue (sukatan: 9 air, 1 pursue, 1 L.O.C). Cecair ini juga saya gunakan untuk lap permukaan kabinet di dapur.
5. Siap!

Akhir sekali, untuk setiap hujung minggu, bolehlah cabut tombol pemetik dan tungku bahagian dalam untuk pencucian yang lebih teliti.

Selamat mencuba!

Teacher Rozanne

Friday, June 5, 2020

Appreciate While You Can

Text: Rozanah Zakaria

Oftentimes, we choose to dream on to get what others have. Though it’s not applicable to all, I believe most of us feel that at times.

So, learn to appreciate what we have, while we can. Take for instance, our family members who are around us, staying with us. We see them , we talk to them, we eat together with them every day, usually on ‘auto-pilot’ mode where we don’t even have the thought that we would be losing them one day, or it may be the other way around.

What I learn most during this time is to appreciate those breakfast moments I have every morning. A sharp pang of thought struck me one day that this was a luxurious I’ve been longing for. When my life was once a chaos, always short of time, even for a cup of coffee in the morning with my husband and daughter.

Now, I have plenty of time to cook every morning, preparing a few dishes for us. I often have an hour calm and satisfying breakfast with my daughter and both my parents in laws. No more morning rush that I didn’t even have a minute to talk to my father in law before going to work. What a countless blessings!

This MCO is an eye-opener for me that, despite my aplenty of flaws towards Him, He still grants my wishes. How else I could be ungrateful?

Let’s ponder and appreciate our life and those around us while we can.

Teacher Rozanne

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Enjoy The Present

Text: Rozanah Zakaria

Before the MCO, I couldn’t really recall the last time I had a proper meal with my family. My life was always on-the-go. Breakfast at the school canteen, lunch that was always skipped, and at timesdinner at the tuition centre. Usually by the time I reach home, it’s already 10.30pm and my daughter would be already sleeping - on the couch waiting for me to get home. What a sad fact. Those were the days, when I seldom got to enjoy that present. At the end of the day, I would regret my busyness that I barely spend even a little time sitting and talking to daughter. Now, with this MCO, staying at home and going nowhere, I start to see the magnificent PRESENT in front of me. I realise now that I am very lucky to have an understanding husband an an obedient daughter. Both of whom I failed to appreciate fully.

God is giving me the chance now to enjoy and appreciate the present. I promise myself that this one opportunity I won’t let slip by any chance. Thank you Allah.

Let’s enjoy the present for yesterday was gone and tomorrow is till uncertain.

Teacher Rozanne

Wednesday, June 3, 2020


Text: Rozanah Zakaria

 At the first stage of MCO or PKP, I thought I would be doing just fine, yet I started to feel anxious on the second week of it. Thinking of the time when I had the freedom to roam around town after work, wasn’t a helpful one, rather it made me feel more coop up and I start to suffocate even at the thought of it. Then, I realise, I must do something to overcome the bad vibes enveloping me. With that realisation, I know one thing I should do. I picked up the Holy Qur’an. Reciting the verses every day, I get that feeling I had been longing for: calm.

Let’s embrace this MCO calmly and positively.

Teacher Rozanne